Just paste this code into any module and change the name of the module to basInternetShortcut.
' Class Name: basInternetShortcut
' Written By: C&D Programming Corp.
' Create Date: 3/99
' Copyright: Copyright 1999 by C&D Programming Corp. Source
' code may not be reproduced except for use in a
' compiled executable. All rights reserved. If
' you would like to reprint any or all of this
' code please email us at info@codeoftheweek.com
Option Explicit
' If you do not want the option of automatically finding the Favorites
' folder remove all references to the cRegistryUtils class.
Public Sub CreateInternetShortcut(sDescription As String, sURL As String, Optional sShortcutPath As String = "")
Dim Reg As New cRegistryUtils
Dim sFavorites As String
Dim iFile As Integer
On Error GoTo Handler
' Determine the location of the of the Favorites folder if the path is not
' specified.
' Take out the below section to remove the dependency on cRegistryUtils
If sShortcutPath = "" Then
sFavorites = Reg.ShellFolderPath("Favorites")
' make sure there is a backslash at the end.
If Right(sFavorites, 1) <> "\" Then
sFavorites = sFavorites & "\"
End If
sFavorites = sShortcutPath
End If
' Sample format of the Internet shortcut
' [InternetShortcut]
' URL=http://www.codeoftheweek.com
iFile = FreeFile
Open sFavorites & sDescription & ".url" For Output As iFile
Print #iFile, "[InternetShortcut]"
Print #iFile, "URL=" & sURL
Close iFile
Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, "CreateInternetShortcut", Err.Description
End Sub