Source code for Issue Number 23

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Just paste this code into any module and change the name to basStrings. If you have one of our previous string handling routines, place it in there.

'   Module Name:    basStrings
'   Written By:     C&D Programming Corp.
'   Create Date:    5/7/97
'   Update Date:    3/10/99
'   Copyright:      Copyright 1998 by C&D Programming Corp.  Source
'                   code may not be reproduced except for use in a
'                   compiled executable.  All rights reserved.  If
'                   you would like to reprint any or all of this
'                   code please email us at
'   Changes:        Now supports a delimiters greater than a single
'                   character.

Function GetWord(sData As String, iWord As Integer, sDelim As String) As String
    Dim iPos As Long
    Dim iPos2 As Long
    Dim iCount As Long

    On Error GoTo GetWordErr
    iPos = InStr(sData, sDelim)
    If iPos = 0 Then
        ' if only first word requested then return whole string since
        ' delimiter was not found.  If a word number greater than
        ' one was asked for, we have not found it, so return an empty
        ' string.
        If iWord = 1 Then
            GetWord = sData
            GetWord = ""
        End If
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' if we got here we are at word number 2.
    iCount = 2

    ' keep search until we find the word number we
    ' want to return.
    While iCount < iWord
        iPos = InStr(iPos + Len(sDelim), sData, sDelim)
        If iPos = 0 Then
            GetWord = ""
            Exit Function
        End If
        iCount = iCount + 1

    ' we should never need this case since it should be
    ' covered in the very first If statement, but, just in case
    ' something unexpected happens
    If iWord = 1 Then
        If iPos = 0 Then
            GetWord = sData
            GetWord = Mid$(sData, 1, iPos - 1)
        End If
        ' extract the word we want based on the occurence of
        ' the next delimiter, if there are no more delimiters, return
        ' the rest of the string, otherwise just return the delimited
        ' word.
        iPos2 = InStr(iPos + 1, sData, sDelim)
        If iPos2 = 0 Then
            GetWord = Mid$(sData, iPos + Len(sDelim))
            GetWord = Mid$(sData, iPos + Len(sDelim), iPos2 - iPos - Len(sDelim))
        End If
    End If
    Exit Function

    Err.Raise Err.Number, "GetWord", Err.Description
End Function