Source code for Issue Number 22

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Just paste this code into any module and change the name to basConversions

'   Module Name:    basConversions
'   Written By:     C&D Programming Corp.
'   Create Date:    2/2/98
'   Copyright:      Copyright 1998 by C&D Programming Corp.  Source
'                   code may not be reproduced except for use in a
'                   compiled executable.  All rights reserved.  If
'                   you would like to reprint any or all of this
'                   code please email us at
Option Explicit

' An array to hold the English equivalent to the various numbers.
Dim WordForNumber() As String

Private Sub InitWords()
    ' This is so we do not waste CPU cycles reinitializing this
    ' array each time NumToWords is called.
    Static bInit As Boolean

    If Not bInit Then
        bInit = True
        ReDim WordForNumber(1 To 90)
        WordForNumber(1) = "One"
        WordForNumber(2) = "Two"
        WordForNumber(3) = "Three"
        WordForNumber(4) = "Four"
        WordForNumber(5) = "Five"
        WordForNumber(6) = "Six"
        WordForNumber(7) = "Seven"
        WordForNumber(8) = "Eight"
        WordForNumber(9) = "Nine"
        WordForNumber(10) = "Ten"
        WordForNumber(11) = "Eleven"
        WordForNumber(12) = "Twelve"
        WordForNumber(13) = "Thirteen"
        WordForNumber(14) = "Fourteen"
        WordForNumber(15) = "Fifteen"
        WordForNumber(16) = "Sixteen"
        WordForNumber(17) = "Seventeen"
        WordForNumber(18) = "Eighteen"
        WordForNumber(19) = "Nineteen"
        WordForNumber(20) = "Twenty"
        WordForNumber(30) = "Thirty"
        WordForNumber(40) = "Fourty"
        WordForNumber(50) = "Fifty"
        WordForNumber(60) = "Sixty"
        WordForNumber(70) = "Seventy"
        WordForNumber(80) = "Eighty"
        WordForNumber(90) = "Ninety"
    End If
End Sub

'   This routine converts a three digit number into its equivalent
'   based on the information stored in the WordForNumber array.
Private Function PartialNumToWords(sVal As String, sSuffix As String) As String
    Dim iVal As Integer
    Dim iOnes As Integer
    Dim sPrefix As String
    Dim sWords As String

    iVal = Val(sVal)

    ' this code processes numbers greater than 99.
    If Left(sVal, 1) <> "0" Then
        sPrefix = WordForNumber(Val(Left(sVal, 1))) & " Hundred"
        sPrefix = ""
    End If

    ' We only want to look at the right two digits for this code.
    iVal = Val(Right(sVal, 2))
    Select Case iVal
        Case 0
            ' if the value passed is exactly one hundred, we have
            ' to make sure that we add on the suffix to the
            ' hundreds if there was one.
            If sPrefix = "" Then
                sWords = ""
                sPrefix = sPrefix & " " & sSuffix
            End If
        Case 1 To 20
            sWords = WordForNumber(iVal) & " " & sSuffix
        Case 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
            sWords = WordForNumber(iVal) & " " & sSuffix
        Case Else
            iOnes = Val(Right(sVal, 1))
            iVal = iVal - iOnes
            sWords = WordForNumber(iVal) & " " & _
                                WordForNumber(iOnes) & " " & sSuffix
    End Select
    sWords = Trim$(sWords)
    If sWords = "" And sPrefix = "" Then
        PartialNumToWords = ""
        PartialNumToWords = Trim$(sPrefix & " " & sWords) & " "
    End If
End Function

Public Function NumToWords(ByVal dNum As Double) As String
    Dim sNum As String
    Dim sWords As String
    Dim sCents As String

    InitWords	' init the array of english words if necessary

    ' convert the number to a string for easier handling
    sNum = Format(dNum, "000000000000.00")

    ' Call the PartialNumToWords multiple times to convert
    ' each group into its english equivalent
    sWords = PartialNumToWords(Mid(sNum, 1, 3), "Billion") & _
             PartialNumToWords(Mid(sNum, 4, 3), "Million") & _
             PartialNumToWords(Mid(sNum, 7, 3), "Thousand") & _
             PartialNumToWords(Mid(sNum, 10, 3), "")
    sWords = Trim$(sWords)

    ' Make sure we do the cents (right of the decimal)
    sCents = Trim$(PartialNumToWords("0" & Mid(sNum, 14, 2), "Cents"))

    ' cover the case when the cents are zero.
    If sCents = "" Then
        sCents = "Zero Cents"
    End If

    ' cover the case when there are only cents
    If sWords = "" Then
        sWords = "Zero Dollars and " & sCents
        ' make sure the dollar/s gets pluralized correctly.
        If sWords = "One" Then
            sWords = sWords & " Dollar and " & sCents
            sWords = sWords & " Dollars and " & sCents
        End If
    End If
    NumToWords = sWords
End Function