Just paste this code into any module (this is the desired way) or form. To do this, open up your project and insert a new Module. Change the name of the module to basNulls and paste this code into the module.
' Module Name: basNulls
' Written By: C&D Programming Corp.
' Create Date: 10/30/97
' Copyright: Copyright 1997 by C&D Programming Corp. Source
' code may not be reproduced except for use in a
' compiled executable. All rights reserved. If
' you would like to reprint any or all of this
' code please email us at info@codeoftheweek.com
' Purpose: Several routines to make handling Null values
' easier.
Option Explicit
Function NullConvert(vDest As Variant, v As Variant) As Variant
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Select Case TypeName(vDest)
Case "String"
vDest = NullConvertString(v)
Case "Byte", "Long", "Integer", "Single", "Double", "Currency"
vDest = NullConvertNumber(v)
Case "Boolean"
vDest = NullConvertBoolean(v)
Case "Date"
vDest = NullConvertDate(v)
Case Else
vDest = ""
End Select
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number
End Function
Function NullConvertDate(v As Variant) As Date
If IsNull(v) Then
NullConvertDate = Now ' not sure this is the best default
NullConvertDate = v
End If
End Function
Function NullConvertCurrency(v As Variant) As Currency
NullConvertCurrency = NullConvertNumber(v)
End Function
Function NullConvertLong(v As Variant) As Long
NullConvertLong = NullConvertNumber(v)
End Function
Function NullConvertNumber(v As Variant) As Variant
If IsNull(v) Then
NullConvertNumber = 0
NullConvertNumber = v
End If
End Function
Function NullConvertString(v As Variant) As String
If IsNull(v) Then
NullConvertString = ""
NullConvertString = v
End If
End Function
Function NullConvertBoolean(v As Variant) As Boolean
If IsNull(v) Then
NullConvertBoolean = False
NullConvertBoolean = v
End If
End Function